Inger's theories are based upon studies and
discoveries done over a period of 16 years, studying life in
philosophic ways, in many different angles, without being influenced
by the prevailing perceptions or by media.
She is
engaged in conveying that she has discovered a
number of things that science take
for granted or ignore because of the
ruling culture within research and teaching.
Peace work
Inger is also engaged in
peace work because she means that the life energy is
the same for all humans. She says that the understanding of life
energy is a platform to which all humans no matter creed, politics
or culture can agree on.
She means that releasing
emotions is a very fruitful contribution to world peace also,
because most human beings carry a lot of emotional pain, which
contributes to greed, selfishness, conflicts
and wars.
It is a key to make agreements and world peace.
Also, to work through and
heal trauma, emotional wounds that occur during war,
The Keys of Liberation are splendid tools.
A dream about a peace centre