basic change of perception about "God"
Written August 3rd 2014
Revised October
3rd 2015
Revised June 16th 2019
I love to visualize things to get a better understanding both for
myself and when teaching.
I hope this page can be at your help to understand the nature of
"God" and our Creator - of existence and of life.
(In the fable about the origin,
I call the very origin particle that everything emanted from; Origin
Mother. The Creator of life on this planet is one of many masters
that emanated from her. She is in a way "God", but the other masters
have performed the role of being "God" also.)
Let's imagine everything in
existence as one big circle.
Everything in the physical
realm, the planet and the sun and the moon. Water. Everything in nature, the
plant kingdom, the animal kingdom
and the human beings are within this circle also.
This circle represent

If everything in
existence is inside of this circle, thoughts and
feelings are parts of the same circle.
No one can deny that they
have thoughts. I think everybody can agree on that thoughts
are just as important as their body... because if we didn't
have thoughts, we simply would not be human beings.
No one can deny that they
have feelings. We love, we are happy, we are proud, we
dislike, we feel frustrated, we are afraid, we feel guilt...
I think everybody can agree on that we would not be humans,
if we didn't have feelings.

I think you can agree on that
thoughts or feelings belong inside of the circle.
Our intentions of doing
something, like getting up in the morning or eating
breakfast would not be done... if we didn't have a thought
and an intention of doing it.
To enjoy to be with our
family and friends or enjoy going to work or to school is
only possible if you have feelings.. To love someone, to
appreciate something is only possible because you have
All animals must have some
kind of thought to plan and coordinate their movements and
choices. All plants must have some kind of driving
force/energy to develop and grow. Can you agree on, that it
is the animals and plants conscious energy?

We can state that our
thoughts and feelings are both the tools for the body as
well as being US. We ARE both body, thoughts and feelings!
So we, as human beings,
we definately belong inside the circle of everything in
existence, don't we?
You can actually fill the
space of the circle with all the billions of humans... and
all the species on Earth.

Now is the big question:
How did LIFE get into being?
The religions say it was
created by God.
- They say that the humans are created by God.
I ask:
Do you think God is inside or

Until 15 years ago I
perceived God as something big that was better than
myself, outside of myself, able to be everywhere. A
spirit present in all things, but still, I placed God
outside of myself in my perception. I think most
people do so and I think there are reasons for this
perception to
find long back in time. However, to create peace on Earth,
we need a true perception about our origin, based on the
truth about particles' abilities.
I think, maybe the old basic
perception, either you are an atheist or a spiritual person,
is one of the reasons it's difficult for the readers of my
work to
understand my work.

The release work I
have done changed my basic perception about existence.
During the time 2004-2007 I worked to work through and release
the painful feelings of a great
master, who had descended and lived
among the humans in the first period of human life, I
discovered that I released typical human ways of feeling and
thinking. - Ways that we don't really need. It was guilty
conscious for rather small things that we should be able to
let go of, it was fear of not being good enough, it was the
feeling of not being worthy of love as soon as you do a
mistake. It was shame about things that could happen to
everybody... and many more. (Archetypical patterns.)
It turned out I had been guided through many years, to
release the Master that created Life on this planet: Our
Today, the masters know that
many of the archetypical patterns are much older than Our
Creator's life among the first humans. They were formed
already at the very morning of exiatence, when the
masters didn't understand that they had emanated from ONE
particle's wisdom and intention! Origin Mother.
Gradually I understood that the
great master I was releasing, was The Creator of Life on our planet. He chose
to walk among the first human beings in his creation on
Earth. He had come to teach them basic ways of behavior, how to relate to themselves,
to each other and to nature. Teach them how to
create shelter for their naked bodies.

Since then I have learned A LOT
about how creation works. That is why I am so eager to tell
about particles' consciousness and abilities and about the
consciousness of cells.
He programmed us to be as if we were him at the cell
level, when he created the first individual of the species. That is why humans have had
his emotional patterns as our basic (archetypical) ways of
relating to life. It means that the cells always, at
the bottom of all life, have our Creator's way of being. The
particles perform it continiously because they were
programmed to do so.
Our Creator is a great,
creative, spontaneous,
playful and kind being as himself. He is able to be "one
with all there is", which means that his conscousness is
able to be connected to all human beings.
You need to realize that Our
Creator too consists of particles, like we do. So he belongs
inside of the circle. He can make himself very small to
operate at cell level, and he can multiply to be everywhere.
What is necesary to underline,
is that Our Creator is not God! He was One of the Masters
that was given ability to create by God's core (Origin
Mother) in the beginning of existence.
Our Creator is a being, a
master who has a huge etheric body. He consists of particles
and his particles relate to the light particles of our solar
system, which from now on will be able to respond to his
intentions. We are co-creators together with our
Creator. We actually have the opportunity to develop som of the
same abilities as him!
All the time, Origin mother
(See "The fable about the origin) has been a part of his energy and He has been influenced by
Her energy. He has not really understood how much She was
deciding in his life up through the millenias, until now,
Our current perception about
God comes from several sources:
1. At the time our Creator
was physically present with the first humans, he started to
manifest things for them, to ease life for them. He was a
god-being and he taught them how to take care of
themselves, they started to lean on him, expecting that he
would fix things for them. To start with he was also
teaching them how they could learn the same as he
could: To direct matter by their thoughts.
For many thousands of years, masters came down from the
etheric dimension and did similar things. They have
descended on Earth to teach and had master abilities that
made them able to manipulate matter and relate to humans
being "god-beings", coming from outside. They became origin of
religions. Some human beings did
really develop master abilities also.
2. There are negative particles
have origin in suns far away and must return
to their sun. They were brought here by the One I call
Origin Mother in "The Fable about the Origin", God's core. They have always perceived themselves as
another kind than us, ruling over us. They have actually
been the energy of "God" or Origin Mother's
attempt to keep control over her huge "kingdom" - Cosmos.
(What I tell about in the fable, had a huge impact on her.
The fact that the first Masters she had put into action did
not understand that she was their Origin, gave her emotional
wounds that have had a huge impact on everything and
everybody during the entire history of existence! She
started to suppress her feelings and that has been the
common way for most individuals throughout history. However,
there is much more to the story, that I still have not
The negative energy were
single particles that infiltrated beings, both physical
beings on Earth and beings in the etheric dimensions.
The negative particles' basic way of behavior, has been to
make others do the work for them. Their nature is dishonest,
lazy, postponing, selfish, greedy and superficial. They
infiltrated some human beings and made other beings do the job for
them. This developed a very unfair and unhealthy way that
has created much of the unfairness and injustice we
experience on Earth. This is the main reason that human
beings blame their unfortune on persons or conditions
outside of themselves. It's very often the negative
particles in them that make them do so... Many human beings place responsibility outside of
themselves, instead of facing themselves. A way to recognise
if you have negative particles inside of you, is to look for
their ways of behaviour.
To get rid of them, rotate your body leftswards for a while,
(As if you use a rock ring) and then imagine that they sling
out of your body, up through the air and to an etheric portal that is always at
the shadow side of the planet. (Always opposite of where the
sun is, 45 degrees north in the northern hemisphere.)
3. The religious scriptures
are often relating to "God" as a being outside of us. This
was given in channellings to prophets and history writers
who often had the same, limiting, linear perception and thus were
without possibility to understand another truth.
It is a
challenge for humans' mind to understand a completely new
perception and it is a challenge for a master to reach
through to humans' minds with totally new information because
the mind perceive according it's own linear perception, belief system and
cultural background. The tool that the mind is, interprets
based on what it knows already.
The fact is. We are all
ONE huge organism, consisting of particles. Because the
particles once were ONE compact organism, they have fantastic
abilities to communicate, even at huge distances. However,
particles are organized in Solar systems and in the future
our world will only consist of particles belonging to this
sun where the Earth is.
Our Creator is working hard
is to reach the human minds with this totally new
All the particles in our solar system
are able to be true to ONE particle's understanding, our
Creator's mind's first particle.
Knowing this gives great hope for
the future. It has not happened before, as
long as the human species has lived on Earth. Everything
consistS of particles, even our minds and souls.
Susaeg All rights reserved.