Why isn’t God able to fix things so that people on Earth don’t
suffer so much? Is there really a good God, when we see and
experience so many awful things? The questions about how the humans
have perceived God have been many through thousands of years. Do you
perceive God as a being outside of yourself? Or are we all part of a
divine principle? Has time come to find a totally new understanding?
Here are my thoughts about it.
This essay is based upon studies of atoms, the big bang theory and
my experience of being connected to masters in higher dimensions.
This explanation shows why God is not able to be only good, the way
we would like it to be.
This essay is based upon ‘A
Fable about the Origin of existence’. It describes what I have
found about how existence occurred, put into a literary short-form.
The fable tells that everything started with one compact light
mass. One point in that light mass that Cosmos was, over a long time
developed consciousness. The one point’s consciousness decided to
split the light in parts as big as itself… and thus the development
of existence had started. As you see, what I mean is, what the
physicists called ‘the big bang’ did not start with an explosion,
but with a thought intension. The masters that I am connected
to in the highest dimensions communicate that they have not
understood that everything emanated from ONE conscious point’s
consciousness until NOW, during the very last year.
The One point is what we may call God’s soul-essence, The center
of God, that everything has emanated from. Thus it was consciousness
that developed ability to give thought intensions, which made things
happen. Of course, at the time that consciousness started the
development of Cosmos, it could not see the consequences of what it
did. The way I experience it, that consciousness even today have the
ability to move around in Cosmos. At this time it is very concerned
about the development on Earth, working to make a new direction
based upon new knowledge about what the particles are able to do. In
the fable, I call this consciousness ‘Origin Mother’. It is because
I perceive her as feminine and because she prefers to express
through feminine energies. Nevertheless, through history, she has
expressed through the concept we know as ‘God’. Along history, the
masters say, many of them have been programmed to be God.
The paradox we have to face when trying to understand God in a new
way: We need to realize that God is ALL THERE IS IN EXISTENCE
because everything has emanated from the consciousness of the One
particle. It means that all particles existing in all suns, planets
and other ‘sky objects’ are parts of 'the body' of the
consciousness who started it all. It was solely a light mass that
became an ocean of light particles – Cosmos. Your consciousness and
your feelings are parts of God’s ‘light-particle-body’ because all
particles are parts of the gigantic organism that emanated from that
One Point’s thought intension. The particles have conscious
qualities, because that One Point is conscious. This is why you
and I have ability to develop consciousness. But certain conditions
are needed. The particles' ability to remember is a very important
quality that supports what I communicate to you. We humans are
developed of particles from our sun by the Master who created life
on Earth by grouping particles in different ways through hundreds of
thousands of years. Our mind, soul and body consist of light
particles that have let themselves be programmed. Thus the particles
that everyone of us consist of, know who we are!
What I tell in the fable is exceptionally important because it
describes the reason that the world was seemingly separated from
it’s origin. God’s soul-essence (Origin Mother) created Masters who
created what we perceive as existence, as life, but those Masters
did not understand that the One consciousness had created them by
its thought intension! Therefore, they made choices that were going
to lead to the experience of God being outside of us. In the same
way, God’s soul-essence and its first master particles made choices
that led to the same. God’s soul-essence felt, like we do when we
experience that someone doesn’t want to listen or doesn’t respect
us… she blamed them for her own anger, grief and pain. The pain that
occurred in Origin Mother already then, turned out to become the one
of the
reasons of the suffering in the world.
The masters that were created by Origin Mother, did not understand
that they were parts of her “body”. That is why we haven’t
understood it either, until now. I believe, that during the next
decades a new understanding about creating principles will grow
forth within all scientific disciplines. This is my assertion. I see
it, because I have seen what has happened related to Origin Mother
during the last year. She has started to release her emotional pain
all the way back to the time when the first great masters were born.
There has not been only one God, but many masters who have
functioned as God. The Masters have different qualities and they
have formed different kingdoms and energies. The master who created
the very first cell and who developed life on Earth, is not the same
as God, but Origin Mother’s energy always was present in him when he
was creating up through Earth’s history. He tells me that he didn’t
know that she put her particles in him. He was a master, who
developed from his own soul-essence through a long time, by creating
as his main task.
The masters who have been in the ethereal dimensions around Earth
have done their best for the humans. By programming they have worked
to make the humans live in peace with each other. Many programmings
were done along the way, to make us believe in the same things, to
make us have the same understanding, to make us cooperate and work
together. Partially, they have succeeded with that. It would have
been considerably darker, if they had not been intervening through
No one in the higher dimensions have understood where 'the darkness'
(selfishness, greed, revenge, evil, and so on) on Earth came from.
The Creator has been present as the human’s energy because he
created us. There has been a tendency to believe that The Creator
was the source of the “darkness”, but that is not the case. He did
develop many painful feelings because of things happening with him,
but he was not the only one. The reason for the darkness has been
the lack of willingness to feel and work through painful feelings.
From the very start, when Origin Mother’s soul-essence experienced
so many feelings and were not able to handle them, she started to
program to forget what hurt. So, instead of working through
feelings, we have suppressed and tried to forget during the entire
history of existence.
Now the time has come so that everybody has been de-programmed from
suppressing and forgetting bad feelings. To be able to create peace
on Earth, we must realise that we have responsibility for our own
feelings and no longer place blame on people or situations that
caused them. We need to start feeling our emotions! The painful
feelings are our own and only you can choose to forgive and ask of
forgiveness, so that the painful feelings dissolve in you! It does
not mean that we shall allow anyone to be bad to us. We must tell it
when someone is acting badly towards others or us. Still, it is
the single individual that own their own feelings.
This is what Origin Mother, Our Creator and the other masters are
doing now. They recognise their feelings and work to forgive and
leave behind bad memories. Therefore, I am optimistic about the
future. I am certain their willingness to see, understand, feel and
forgive will spread to us humans.

the old religious perceptions dissolve during the next hundred
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