When the Creator descended on Earth
By Inger Susaeg
happened at the time the human species recently was developed. It
has an enormous influence on what is happening on Earth today and
for the huge shift in consciousness that we are in the middle of.
How did the Creator create the first man and woman? They were
developed from two highly developed monkeys, species that he let
extinct, a short time after the humans were developed. Darwin was
right about some of his studies, but not about all. The principle
“the survival of the fittest” was not right, the way his theory of
evolution says. It was the Creator that chose two individuals. He
placed his consciousness inside of them, one at the time. By his
thought intention and visualising, he created two new individuals,
and by that a new species. Through the entire history of creation he
actually imagined the new species he wanted to create by being
inside of an animal he transformed to a new animal.
At the time he had developed the monkeys, he also had got acquainted
with the Master Michael. One of his most significant qualities is
refined sense of beauty. He was the master who grounded the Angel
Kingdom and developed the angels as beautiful etheric beings. This
inspired the Creator to develop the monkeys to be just as beautiful!
He wasn’t able to transform a monkey to a human being, from mainly
walking on 4 feet, to be an upright creature, in one operation. He
did it through two “missing links”, creatures that gradually got
less fur, started to walk on two feet and got more and more face
features that we know as human today.

This happened on a continent in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The
Hawaii islands are remains of that continent. The Creator says that
the humans in Polynesia are descendants after the very first humans.
He says that he transformed them only once, but he changed their
genes, so that they would develop multitude.
The humans were naked. They had no fur the way the monkeys had, but
thin and vulnerable skin. Even if the temperature was rather high,
it was raining a lot and it was not easy for them to find solution
for how to live. They still had not developed tools for what they
needed in their daily life. Even if they were besouled individually,
the first humans didn’t quite understand how to live, the way the
Creator gave them impulses about. After about 100 years, they had
developed a group, still living almost like animals. Then, the
Creator decided to descend on Earth to be with the first humans in
physical form to show them the way.
He wanted to descend into a physical body, to walk among the humans,
but he could not incarnate in a baby and he could not take over one
of those humans that he wanted to teach. So what he did, was to
descend in one of the last monkey-like humans that had existed
before that last transformation. In the beginning the humans
were a bit afraid of him. But then, he started to show them the way.
He showed them how to create shelter for rain and wind and how to
protect themselves from wild animals. He started to show them how
they could organize their lives. He wanted them to develop into
highly evolved beings, the way he knew beings from the etheric
kingdoms were able to live. At that time the humans had no language, but they
communicated by telepathy between their souls. They had no blockages
between soul and mind, the way humans have today.
He probably started this task very eagerly, but he also was by
himself a lot. For the first time he was able to experience what it
was like to be in a physical body and be among the trees, flowers,
birds and animals. (Until then, he had not had a body. He had been
only consciousness, i.e. soul and mind). He could see his own creation with his own
physical eyes, as himself. He was on Earth for many years. - But
what he didn’t know, was what he looked like from the etheric
dimension. The master that I now call
Origin Mother,
that everything in existence has emanated from, nobody knew existed
at that point in time. She had created a creature who functioned as
"God". By being that god-creature, she was able to rule over what
happened. (During the winter and spring 2021 the masters have
discovered very much more about what happened at that time, that
made "God" make the awful decisions about The Creator. A master
being from another galaxy, who had become infiltrated by negative
particles, had been programmed to be opposite to be able to deal
with. This opposite master had infiltrated "God" without Origin
Mother knowledge about it, so that "God" became what we
may call bewildered in his/her perception.
When the Creator descended, there were many things he had not
foreseen, especially related to the humans. Sometimes he was not
able to make them understand, even the simplest things, so then he
got angry and upset about them. Then he felt guilty because his
creation didn’t work the way he had thought it would. Remember, he was a
creature, who had already existed for millions of years and he
carried already quite some emotional baggage.
What he didn’t know, was that the energy of Origin Mother always was
behind him. She saw him as herself, he was a part of her energy. Therefore, he also carried her archetypical
feelings; anger, grief, the feeling of not being respected, the
feeling of being rejected, hurt and offended, which had occurred in
her when the first masters she had created didn’t understand that
she was their origin, that she had created them and had given them
their basic qualities. The entire existence has, until our time
continued without anybody’s knowledge about who she is and what she
created at all times. Now this knowledge has started to grow forth
in the higher dimensions.
What happened was that the Creator’s energy field started to look
rather dark after a while. What was new about the creature “human
being”, was what I tell about in my book, humans have
an invisible
energy system that works through and around the body. When the
different painful feelings occurred in him, they became visible in
his energy system, seen from the etheric dimension. As dark spots
and red colour when he got angry. After a while, he looked rather
dark from above. "God", thought he had become bad. (This is actually
the same in human’s energy fields after a while on
Earth, unless we release our emotional pain, but "God" didn’t know
this. Our negative feelings create less light in our soul and energy
field as we walk through
After the Creator had been on Earth for 37 years, "God"
(that was infiltrated by opposite energy) decided to
exchange him with another being, made by the same gene material,
that looked the same, but that had a penis. The Creator had wanted
to be androgynous, i.e. without gender, because he wanted to be
there for both men and women.
Origin Mother had
discovered that all creatures got a lot of light in them when they
were sexually aroused and got orgasm, so she had become convinced at
that time that the sexual energy dissolved darkness. It has turned
out, as you know, it does not. It is a seducing energy that is
becoming very bad when being enhanced. That is what leads to abuse.
However, it was the reason that the creature, that was sent down on
Earth instead of the Creator, had a penis. He was programmed to take
over the Creator’s energy and to be loved unconditionally by
everybody, and to be better than our Creator. Simultaneously, "God"
took away the Creator’s authority over his own creation, which made
him completely distressed.
This happening has had an enormous influence on the human beings in
the entire history of humanity. This being who was put in charge
without having any knowledge about Creation, had no idea about what
to do. He had to learn everything from the Creator. More about this
in "When the creator
descended on Earth Part II".
Now, the Creator is back as himself and he is cooperating with all the
masters, included origin Mother, to find new solutions for humanity.
I was strongly required to help him release his emotional pain from
that life on the Pacific continent during the years 2003-2007. I did
it as if I was him. I was able to do that because in my entire life
I had been connected to one of his soul components, his citizenship.
It means that my cells were able to remember details about this
story. In my life, I was triggered by the emotional wounds that he
has had in him since that time. So his emotional pain became my physical
pain and that was a part of what showed me the way to what i know
about existence today.
He has released all his own painful feelings in the years that
followed until now.
Inger Susæg BECANTUS 2018 All rights
reserved Lectures