Theatre work
The interest for theatre was aroused
as a young girl and in my adult life, amateur theatre has
been so close to my heart that I ended up with having
theatre as my profession as drama teacher. For many years I
was the leader of children's theatre and along with that, I
went to many courses and workshops, learning the skills of
directing, costume-making and scenography. It ended in
Denmark joining an education for profesional actors becoming
Here are pictures from a big outdoor
play I directed in 1999. It is a play that has been played
every second year since 1985 until 2017. I joined in 1987
making the costumes and was a part of the "crew" for many
years. When I was given the responsibility to direct, I also
took apon me to design a new scenography and house for the
orchestra. I had experienced that the choir, which also are
the extras in the play, needed shelter when not being on the
stage. As this is in Steigen, Northern Norway, it may be
cold and rainy, even in summer.
The play is based upon a legend (like
Romeo and Juliet) and upon ideas from greek theatre. Time is
age of vikings. There is a choir that is commenting what is
happening and there are rather few actors. As extras I also
had children and teenagers playing servants helping the king
with the sacrificial seremony. It is going on at the
assembly, called "thing" at that time.
It is called "Hagbard og Signe", (Steigen Sagaspill) and it
is played at a place where it is very likely that viking
kings actually had their assemblies! The audience sit in a
natural hillside, as you can see.
To see this play is also
a nature experience as the audience are sitting high above
the natural stage and the background is mountains, the fjord
and the islands.
My directing enhanced the
psychological battle inside of the king who had promised his
daughter to a Russian prince instead of letting her marry
the local viking hero, that she had promised to be true to
before he left for viking journeys. He ends up hanging her
boyfriend and she kills herself by putting her sleeping room
into fire. In my version, I let the two meet in heaven (the
way it is described in norse religion," Helheimen ". Upper
picture to the left.
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