






Are scientists afraid of approaching what life really is?

This is my discovery after many years of study: There is another kind of particle spin inside the human body space that is not possible to prove unless science think totally different than today. It is a kind of energy that can only be proved by including consciousness in research.

What physics have found about atoms needs to influence the nature sciences in a different way.

It’s about a hundred years since the physicists found the structure of the atom… That everything we can see and touch around us, including our bodies, consist of these tiny building blocks, which mostly consist of space. Most people have learned at school that atoms consist of nuclei with electrons swirling around them, and that it is the speed of electrons that make us perceive things as firm. Few of us reflect on that the particles are so tiny that actually, we consist of 95 % space.

The strange thing is; humans do not seem to think that it is necessary to take this knowledge seriously. Everything is still perceived as if it is mechanic either it is alive or the “dead” things we relate to.

Even if scientists discovered the nature of atoms, it seems that most scientific thinking is stuck in old rules that prevent the most obvious discoveries.

Research is based on what is measurable by our physical senses and what is measured should be possible to compare objectively to be verified. It is especially great when you can relate your results to something that scientists have found before you. It seems the old scientific rules have cemented scientific thinking. It has led humanity into a mechanic and materialistic track, which rules, not only the education systems, but the media and society in general.

What if formerly achieved results are wrong? Look at the research on the human being. Even if we know that we consist of both body, mind and feelings, the body is treated as if it is some kind of mechanical device. Many people treat their bodies much like they treat their cars.

Didn’t we just ascertain that our bodies consist of vibrating space? Maybe the “space” that the human being consist of should be looked at in different ways than only as cells formed by molecular structures? Is it logical that the rest of what we consist of, our mind and feelings influence the swirling particles that the physical body consists of? How is it about you? Do your feelings influence your body? When you are angry, when you are happy, when you are excited? What about your thoughts… are you sure they are produced in the brain? Isn’t that actually an assumption? I think the brain is more like a transformer than the producer of thoughts.

Try this: Close your eyes and think of a time when you were very happy. Fill yourself with the feeling and open your eyes. Now, bow your neck and look down whilst walking across the floor. Are you making it? What happens? Try the opposite; fill yourself with a sad feeling and try to walk around with a straight back, quick steps, not looking down. What happens? What conclusions can you draw of this little experiment?

We can all see and understand as logic that the molecular space structure of the human body must contain more than only the organic molecular compounds that the cells consist of. There is “something” making the body able to grow, develop move. There is “something” inside of us, being the driving force of humans. Could that something consist of particles too, spinning in other ways than atoms, invisible for the human eye, inside of the “vibrating space” that the human being is?

By facing the fact that human beings consist of consciousness as well as physical body, science will be able to find a new focus that can lead to answers to the many unanswered questions. By asking: What is the driving force in humans? What provides the propulsion of humans? It is not only nutrition.  It is feelings! It is thoughts! Thus feelings and thoughts are energy! The driving force inside human beings is energy that scientists take for granted without reflecting on the “device” they are as themselves. To find true answers about existence, it is needed to apply a logic-philosophical thinking that sees the human being as feelings, thoughts and body.

*         Inger Susæg  2013  All rights reserved.